Monday, June 1, 2009

Crisis Response International

I don't know if I will ever be able to fully unpack what has gone on these last few days let alone in such a tiny blog entry. I personally have only one little photo to post here below. This is part of the Mobile Kitchen Unit (MKU).

I and a couple of other believers from Siloam Springs attended a 3-day simulated deployment disaster relief training exercise in the middle of nowhere Kansas about an hour south of Kansas City. It was put on by Crisis Response International which was birthed out of IHOP-KC a couple years ago.

I have time only for about another paragraph so the highlights. They had 3 mock scenarios for us. The first one was a large multiple vehicle crash. It was very realistic. They used motion picture quality makeup and we even had to set up a morgue. Then they had a simulated flu epidemic where a community was quarantined and we had no outside help. They next day was the big one. We did search & rescue on a very realistic plane crash complete with real plane parts, smoldering debris piles and smoke. There were injured and fake dead bodies strewn across a field and forest. We had to get the victims out before the fire got out of control. It was an exhausting 3-days but we learned at an incredible pace.

I am now credentialed to deploy with CRI and I am also working on emergency efforts within our own community. There will be more of this to come.

- Wade Baker

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